Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Manifestation and the Entrepreneur

So often, entrepreneurs have the wrong results at the forefront of their mind. They are focused on the wrong things. There is a reason, but before we talk about results, let's talk about focus. Most of us by now have seen The Secret or heard the cliff notes on it. Very simply the Secret talks about Manifestation, which I may talk about often here as well. What the Secret teaches is nothing new. I can cite countless texts back to the beginning of time that talk about it. It is simple, what you focus your energy on, you Manifest into reality. So it is with entrepreneurship. The aspect of your business that you focus on is the part that is most successful.

Let me clarify a point about Manifestation. Manifestation is the investment of energy to create an outcome. This energy must talk more than one form. It must take all forms in order for the outcome to be achieved. Let's take the lottery example that most people use to dispute the Secret. The argument is that just by thinking about winning the lottery, I will not win it. No, that's true. You have not invested much energy into it. You focused your thoughts on it, for 15 minutes. But did you buy a ticket? Did you buy ten tickets? Did you buy 10,000 tickets? What is the level of your energetic investment? Buying 1 million tickets would surely increase the chances of winning the lottery significantly, would it not? Ah, I see. You wanted to get a huge return on a very small investment. Manifestation does not work that way. Sorry.

Entrepreneurship does not work that way either. Entrepreneurship requires a huge investment of energy. Energy can be defined as four things in this case (and in most cases): time, money, action, and commitment. Sometimes more of one will compensate for less of another, but to best guarantee success, all must be present, in abundance. This often means a partnership. Those with abundant money can not always invest time and action. Those with available time and action may not be able to invest money. Those that are capable of action, through experience and education, do not always have the time or money. And so on. A successful entrepreneurial enterprise needs high levels of all four components. With these investments- and a decent idea- any business can be Manifested. The abundance of those investment determines the level of manifestation.

Future blogs will discuss the four components of Manifestation in more depth. We will also discuss investing in the right results, outcomes, and ideas. These ideas will focus on the creation and growth of business, but I also hope that my few readers can see the application of these principals to their personal lives. For how your business is a reflection and hence, a manifestation, of your person. Initially, this blog will be about the philosophy of entrepreneurship, however, I will try to include some valuable resources and systems to help you on your way. However, the philosphy of entrepreneurship is the cornerstone of successful ventures, and most often missing entirely from the equation.

1 comment:

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Best wishes from Switzerland,